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Elfin Frederick Vogel

New Plays and Plays of the 20th Century  |  Classical Theatre  |  Opera Musical Theatre Cabaret  |  Other/Resume   |  Elfin Vogel


Artistic Director Producer

Artistic Director, Music, Theatre and Opera Company (NYC). Productions

include: Cosi Fan Tutte, Measure for Measure, and staged readings of Infinite Hold

and Opposite Stages by Vincent Sessa, Like Bears, Like Doves by Herb Greer, and

Dewpoint by Elfin F. Vogel and Vincent Sessa

Co-Founder and Resident Director, River City Shakespeare Festival (Memphis 1993-6).

Productions include: The Winter's Tale, Henry V, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The

Tempest, Othello, Measure for Measure, Twelfth Night, and They All Skate

Backwards in the Same Direction by Kirt Gunn

Artistic Director, Third Step Theatre Company (NYC 1992-3).

Productions include: Exit the King by E. Ionesco; The Knights of the Round

Table by Christoph Hein; Festival of Staged Readings

Artistic Director/Producer, Knickerbocker Theatre Festival '88 (NYC).

Productions include: Vanzetti & Sacco & Rosie (American Premiere), Saved

(NYC Premiere), The Genius (NYC Premiere), Unexpected Company, Housework, In the

Mood, Evening with Edna St. Vincent Millay, Frottage, and The Human Voice by J. Cocteau

Artistic Director/Producer, Wildbird Productions (NYC)

Productions include: Attic, Porch, An Evening Hour in the Late Fall, various cabaret shows